30 Days to a Happier Body email course

Transform your approach to health and fitness in a few minutes a day

Get a short, daily email with actionable tools and strategies to help you build the happy body you deserve without giving up the stuff you love.

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30 Days to a Happier Body: A free 30-day email course by Matt Hood

There’s a lot of BS out there in regards to health, fitness and longevity...

Fad diets that make you miserable. Workouts that leave you exhausted. Contradictory advice from every angle. It makes it so hard to know where to spend your precious time money and energy — so you spin your wheels getting nowhere.

So I've put together a free 30 day email series that covers the important stuff like sleep, exercise and nutrition — to help you cut through the crap. There’s no fluff, just science-based tools that work.

All to help you build a strong, happy body and reach your health and fitness goals. But importantly, do it in a way that isn’t a pain in the ass. That doesn’t require you to give up the stuff you love to get there. That fits in with your busy lifestyle.

I'll be sharing everything from the best ways to get a good night’s sleep, short but effective exercise protocols that leave you feeling energised rather than drained, nutrition strategies that make eating quality food easy and enjoyable, and heaps more.

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About Matt Hood

Matt Hood is the Founder and Head Coach at Hexa Life. He is a former Australian Rugby 7s and professional rugby player.

Matt is a certified StrongFirst Instructor, XPT Performance Breathing Coach, and holds both Certificates III and IV in Fitness.

Try the 30 Days to a Happier Body course now

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You'll get one short email from me every day for 30 days.
And if you don't absolutely love them, you can unsubscribe at any time.
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